Upright Tank

£104.91£689.09 including VAT

This storage tank is made from rotationally moulded polyethylene (MDPE) which provides a high quality, tough and durable product for many years of use. Most commonly used as a water storage tank however all our tanks have a range of uses including chemical tank, rainwater harvesting, car valeting, window cleaning tank, potable drinking water tank, trailer tank, water bowser, food grade tank and camper / motorhome tank.

SKU: UPRIGHT-TANK Category: Tags: , ,


All tanks come with a range of outlets, lids and varying dimensions. Please see table below for exact product information.

Tank Outlet “ BSP Lids Height Width Length
75L Upright Tank ¾” 8” Internal 450mm 300mm 600mm
85L Upright Tank ¾” 6” Plain 500mm 310mm 600mm
85L Upright Tank Vented ¾” 6” Vented 500mm 310mm 600mm
95L Upright Tank ¾” 5” Plain 500mm 620mm 350mm
105L Upright Tank ¾” 5” Plain 500mm 300mm 750mm
125L Upright Tank ¾” 8” cv&s 460mm 290mm 1100mm
190L Upright Tank ¾” 8” V, Int 785mm 300mm 1100mm
200L Upright Tank c/w 1″ Reducer 1 ½” 6” Vented 560mm 260mm 1650mm
210L Upright Tank 1 ½” 8” Int Vented 630mm 420mm 920mm
325L Upright Tank ¾” 8” Int Vented 875mm 375mm 1100mm
350L Upright Tank 1” 6” Vented 750mm 520mm 990mm
400L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 1010mm 360mm 1250mm
460L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 1100mm 400mm 1250mm
500L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 920mm 620mm 1000mm
650L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 1010mm 575mm 1250mm
800L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 1100mm 700mm 1250mm
1000L Upright Tank 1” 8” cv&s 1240mm 590mm 1590mm
1250L Upright Tank 1” 8” Int Vented 1250mm 620mm 1950mm


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