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When should I use a booster pump?

should i use pump roman landscape

Water pressure is important for running a filtration system. It is the pressure of water that forces the water through the membrane for purification and flushing away the rejected solids. Low water pressure will result in reduced production and premature fouling of the membrane.

The ideal pressure for operating a small RO System up to 300 gallons per day is 60 PSI and for larger systems 100 PSI is optimum. Pressure below 40 PSI is generally considered insufficient and can be enhanced using a pressure booster pump.

A booster pump is used to increase inlet pressure to the RO membrane. RO membranes require a minimum of about 40 PSI to operate most water supplies meet this minimum requirement. Should you plan to use your RO system where low water pressure is a problem, using a booster pump is something that you may consider.

Even for applications with sufficient water pressure a booster pump can greatly benefit your RO System. Booster pumps will increase pressure which in turn increases the efficiency of an RO membrane. Booster pumps are cost effective through increased RO performance. The result will be much faster production of filtered water and less wastewater.

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Water Pressure Explained

water pressure explained landscape

As we turn on the kitchen tap or run a bath, unless the water is dripping out or not coming out at all, most people will not consider the how the water is coming out. However, water pressure is something that we should all be familiar with.

Most households receive water from a mains water system. The water is usually extracted from various groundwater sources, treated to remove impurities and then pumped to a high point or water tower. Gravity then takes over to provide the pressure that forces the water through the pipes and eventually to our homes.

Typical residential water systems are designed to function between 40-70 psi of pressure. If the water pressure exceeds 80-90 psi, a pressure regulator may need to be installed to reduce the pressure to an acceptable range. This will stop any damage being caused by excess water force. The opposite can also occur. Where water pressure is below 40 psi, a pressure-booster can be installed to bring it up to acceptable levels.

It is also important to note that water flow is not the same as water pressure. Water flow is the effect of water pressure on the amount of water available. If water pressure is reading at an acceptable level but the pressure seems to be less than usual, this may be caused by a flow problem.