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Can I use Reverse Osmosis Waste Water?

Reverse Osmosis is one of the most convenient and effective filtration methods available, removing between 96% – 99% of contaminants found in water. This water is fresher and healthier than tap or bottled water with any potentially harmful salts, minerals, heavy metals and bacteria removed.

However, there is one downside of Reverse Osmosis technology: waste water. Most Reverse Osmosis Systems with a single membrane work with a product to waste water ration of 4:1. While there are ways in which Reverse Osmosis waste water can be reduced, waste water is inevitable.

In this blog post, we explain how Reverse Osmosis water can be stored, highlight a number of creative ways in which this waste water can be used and give you some ideas of RO-Man products that can aid with Reverse Osmosis waste water.

How to store Reverse Osmosis water?

The most simplest and straightforward way of collecting and storing waste water would be to drop a pipe into a bucket. However, this method of storing the water would required monitoring. For example, if your daily water usage is 20 litres and the ratio of 4:1 waste to product water, 80 litres of waste water would be produced. This method of storing the water would require checking the bucket often enough to stop it over flowing. This might not be practical for a lot of people.

The second method to collect and store waste water is by extending the waste water outlet pipe and drop this into a large tank placed near the location of your Reverse Osmosis system. The water that gets collected in this tank can be stored and reused later. You could also place a submersible pump into the tank and connect a water pipe to the pump’s outlet to siphon the water out of tank.

RO-Man have a large range of storage tanks and containers that can be used to collect both Reverse Osmosis water and Reverse Osmosis waste water. Our extensive product range can be found by clicking here.

Creative ways to use Reverse Osmosis waste water

Household Chores

Most home owners will appreciate the amount of tasks to be carried out around the home. Floors need mopped, dishes need washed and bathrooms need cleaned. The list is endless. Reverse Osmosis waste water can be used in all these tasks.

Reverse Osmosis waste water can be used to mop and scrub floors. It is recommended to dilute the waste waste with equal parts tap water. This will eliminate any residue and prevent stains in case of high TDS and salt content. Reverse Osmosis waste water can also be used for cleaning dishes and utensils as well as bathroom fixtures and faucets.

Washing Cars

A single car wash could use anywhere between 14 litres to 75 litres of water, depending on whether a bucket of water or hose pipe is being used. This could be reduced greatly by using Reverse Osmosis waste water to wash your car, making good use of your waste water as well as helping the environment by reducing your water consumption. Water with a TDS level between 1200 – 1500 PPM can be safely used for car washing. If the TDS level of waste water is high, this can be mixed with tap water to reduce the TDS level. Using this Reverse Osmosis waste water won’t harm your car and is just as effective as regular water is when washing your car.


The most effective and convenient use of Reverse Osmosis waste water is for gardening. The high nutrient and mineral content in the water can help your plants bloom and grow. A watering can or bucket can be used to store the waste water and used for both indoor and outdoor plants. It is recommended to start with a few plants, use the waste water for 15 – 20 days and monitor the effective this has on the plant growth. Each plant will respond differently and this will give you a clearer understanding of which plat reacts best. Water with a TDS level up to 2100 PPM is suitable for use in gardening and irrigation.

Can Reverse Osmosis waste water be reduced?

Reverse Osmosis technology is one of the finest filtration methods available and when the waste water is stored and put to good use around the home, these high quality Reverse Osmosis systems are of even more benefit. Reverse Osmosis waste water can be reduced further by using a second membrane in which waste water is fed through, this will also enable your system to produce water at a faster rate. By conserving this water, waste is reduced by 40% – 50% and production is increasing by 80% — 95%. RO-Man have an high quality Membrane Upgrade Kit which includes all the essential components to reduce your Reverse Osmosis waste water and speed up your water production. You can view this product and all the essential information by clicking here.

We hope that you have found this article useful and it has given you some ideas on how to use your Reverse Osmosis waste water. It is important to note that before waste water is used, the TDS of this should be monitored as well as carrying out a test patch on any surfaces you are applying waste water to. As always, should you have any queries or questions please get in contact with us on or on 01823 698813 where a member of our expert team will be happy to assist you with any query you may have.

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Reverse Osmosis and Window Cleaning

Reverse Osmosis and Window Cleaning

Most home owners will have a long list of never ending household chores to do around the house. If you have ever attempted to clean your own windows only to see streaks and water marks when the water dries you will understand how frustrating this can be! These unsightly stains are caused by impurities in the water, so no matter what detergent or cleaning product you use, when washed with ‘normal’ water these marks will follow. So what is the solution for this? How do professional window cleaners leave our windows with that show home finish? Reverse Osmosis technology.

How does Reverse Osmosis clean windows?

Professional window cleaners have been using Reverse Osmosis technology for many years. The three main stages of water purification in window cleaning are Water Softening, Reverse Osmosis and De-Ionisation.  

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the finest filtration available. It works by separating contaminants from water by forcing the water through a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane acts as a physical barrier and prevents impurities at a molecular level from passing through. This will produce pure water having filtered out 98% of unwanted molecules such as fluoride, lead, chlorine, chloramines, pesticides, nitrates, sulphates and much more. This enables windows to be cleaned with pure water, ensuring that no water impurities will leave streaks or water marks.

De-Ionising (DI) Resin is also a popular method in cleaning windows. DI is the polishing of the water using resin vessels. The water is passed through a DI resin vessel which will in turn polish the water, leaving pure water ready to be tanked and used. This DI resin technology is excellent in car washing and detailing also.

It is important to note that water softening is not always necessary for cleaning windows. However in areas with hard water, this can be beneficial. This process will remove the calcium and magnesium and replace it with sodium. If you have hard water, your TDS will read 350 or higher.

Either of these processes can be used alone or in combination together. We find that many window cleaning companies will use a combination of these methods to ensure a professional finish.

What are the stages of a RO window cleaning systems?

A typical Reverse Osmosis system used by window cleaners will involve purification through a 5 or 6 stage process. Our systems use a combination of filters and membranes to ensure that the water is of the highest and purest quality. Typically our systems including a spun sediment filter, carbon block filter and a chlorplus carbon filter on certain systems.

The first stage in our system is our spun sediment 5 micron filter. This is made from spun polypropylene with an extra high capacity. It will remove all remove sediments and particles such as dirt, sand, silt and rust. The second stage is the carbon block filter which is our high quality filter made from roasted coconut husk and comprised of activated carbon granules.  This filter is ideal for chlorine reduction and the removal of particulates, microscopic cysts, heavy metals such as lead and any other contaminants.

Some of our systems will include a third pre-filter, Chlorplus. This filter utilizes advanced activated carbon technology which allows superior chloramine and chlorine reduction. It also minimizes petrochemical by-product dichloroacetonitrile, ethylene dibromide and insecticides. Chloramine carbon filters help reduce sediment while providing greater chloramine performance capacities than granular carbon.

Once the water has passed through the pre-filtration stage, the membrane will then be the next stage in the purification process. Reverse osmosis membranes are the heart of every reverse osmosis system and work by forcing water though a semi-permeable membrane to remove ions, molecules, and larger particles. The membrane will remove an average 97-99% of tap water contaminants. We only use high quality thin film composite reverse osmosis membranes in our systems.

We give our customers using our window cleaning systems the option to include a de-ionisation stage after the reverse osmosis has taken place. DI is a resin based water purification process removes all dissolved solids from the water. These resins attract non-water ions and replaces them with water ions. This will give a purer water form with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) reading of zero.


Reverse Osmosis systems are an excellent choice for professional window cleaner producing perfectly purer water through a series of filters and membranes. It is an effective way of removing any unwanted particles and impurities at a molecular level to ensure that windows are left at show home standard. Should you be interested in any of our window cleaning systems and would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 01823 698813 or via email where our expert team will talk you through the systems and choices on offer.

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Changing the Filters and Membrane

changing the filters landscape

Changing the filters in your Reverse Osmosis system is essential. We recommend pre-filters are changed every 6 months, or earlier if you use a lot of water. RO-MAN systems have been designed to operate at their best with normal, routine maintenance. By changing the pre-filters on a regular six-month basis, any impurities in the water that may potentially clog the membrane will be eliminated.  This can extend the life the of RO membrane.

Which filters?

The first step is ensuring you have the correct replacement filter. With the range of RO systems on the market it is easy to get a little confused when choosing the correct filter set. While we do sell our filters individually, in order to get the best from your RO system we find that it is best to do a complete filter set change, rather than change the filters singly. This is also more cost effective both in buying the filters and in the productivity of your system.

Below we have outlined the filter set to match the correct Reverse Osmosis unit.

Reverse Osmosis and Deionisation

4 Stage Professional Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: 4 Stage Professional System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block filter, Mixed Bed DI resin

3 Stage and 4 Stage Standard Systems

3 Stage Basic Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: 3 Stage Basic System Replacement Filter Set – Inline 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, Inline Carbon Block Filter

3 Stage Standard Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: 3 Stage Standard System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block filter

4 Stage Standard Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: 4 Stage Standard System Replacement Filter Set – 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, Carbon Block filter, Mixed Bed DI Resin

Drinking Water and Household Systems

Drinking Water 6 Stage Purification System. Filters Needed: Drinking Water 6 Stage Purification System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block Filter, 10 inch Granulated Active Carbon Filter, Inline Taste and Odour Carbon filter, Inline Remineralising Carbon filter

FRESH 3 Stage System. Filters Needed: FRESH 3 Stage System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch CBR2 Carbon filter, 10 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter

INLINE HOUSE System. Filters Needed: INLINE HOUSE System Replacement Filter Set – 20 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter and 20 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter

Dental Water Systems

Dental Water Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: Dental Water Reverse Osmosis System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block filter, Mixed Bed DI Resin

Large Systems

3 Stage Triple Membrane System. Filters Needed: 3 Stage Triple Membrane System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block filter and 10 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter

200, 300 and 450 Large Systems. Filters Needed: 200, 300 and 450 Large System Replacement Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter and 10 inch Carbon Block filter and 10 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter

4040 Reverse Osmosis Systems

4040 Reverse Osmosis System. Filters Needed: 4040 Reverse Osmosis Filter Set – 20 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter and 20 inch Carbon Block filter

Heavy Metal Removal Systems

HMA 2000 Metal Removal System. Filters Needed: HMA 2000 Metal Removal System Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter and 10 inch CBR2 Carbon filter

HMA 2010 Metal Removal System. Filter Needed: HMA 2010 Metal Removal System Filter Set – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch CBR2 Carbon filter and 10 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter

HMA 3020 Metal Removal System. Filters Needed: HMA 3020 Metal Removal System Filter Set – 20 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 20 inch Chlorplus Carbon filter and Metal Removing Resin

HMA System Metal Removing 2100. Filters Needed: Long Life Metal Removing Unit 2100 ml – 10 inch 5 Micron Spun Sediment filter, 10 inch Carbon Block filter, Metal Removing Resin

We hope that you will find all the information that you need in order to choose the correct filter set for your RO unit. However, if you are in any doubt of which filter set you require or if you do not see your particular system on this list please do not hesitate to get in touch either via telephone or email We will be happy to advise you further in choosing the correct filter set.

Filter Replacement Instructions

Even though most systems will have slight variations, these steps to replace filters should work for most. Before you begin, we advise that you wash your hands to avoid contaminating the new filters and the inside of your system. Waterproof covers and towels are a good idea to have on hand. You may find it convenient to have a container in which to placing the housings and old filters until you can dispose of them properly.

  1. Turn off the water supply and press the red pressure-relief button (if present). If you have a storage tank, switch it to closed. Open the RO faucet to release any pressure and drain the remaining water. Once the dripping stops, close the faucet.
  2. Place your container below the housings and unscrew by turning anticlockwise. You may find it easier to use a housing wrench for this. Discard any water and take out the old filter cartridges.
  3. Clean the filter housing and cap thoroughly.
  4. Check that the o rings on the housings are clean and in good condition. If they show any signs of wear they should be replaced. Should you need something to lubricate the o rings, silicone grease or petroleum jelly is suitable. Place the o rings in the correct position to avoid leaks.
  5. Unwrap the new filter cartridge and insert into the housing. Once you have ensured the filter and o ring is in place, screw the filter housing back into the cap. Again, you may find it easier to use a housing wrench. Be careful not to over tighten.
  6. To change inline filters, push in and hold down the collet against the quick connect fitting to pull out the tubing. Repeat this on both ends.
  7. Remove the cartridge and install replacement. The arrow will indicate the flow direction.
  8. Reconnect the filter by pushing the tubing into the fitting on both ends. Check for a secure connection by pulling back on the tubing.
  9. The water supply can now be switched back on and check the system for any visible air traps.
  10. Switch the tank and faucet on if they are part of your system. It is very important to flush the filters for at least 5 minutes, or until water runs clear before the system is used.
  11. Storage tanks should be filled completely and emptied at least once.
  12. The system is now ready for use.

Changing the Membrane

The lifespan of a RO membrane will depend on how they are treated and maintained. With proper maintenance of pre-filters, a membrane should last from 2 to 5 years.

The easiest method to determine if your membrane needs changing is by measuring water Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) with a TDS meter. Firstly, test the TDS of the tap water followed by testing the TDS of the RO water. A properly functioning membrane will have removed approximately 95% of all contaminants in the water. If you find this is not the case, it is time to replace your membrane.  

It is good practice to replace the flow restrictor at the same time of replacing the membrane to keep your system operating efficiently.  If you are unsure of the membrane you require, the number on your flow restrictor can help indicate this.

Flow restrictor number 300 = 50 GPD membrane
Flow restrictor number 420 = 75 GPD membrane
Flow restrictor number 550 = 100 GPD membrane
Flow restrictor number 800 = 150 GPD membrane

The majority of RO systems have one membrane located horizontally above the vertical filter housings. Membranes are quick and easy to replace:

  1. Begin by turning off the water supply. If you have a storage tank, close the valve and open the faucet to drain any remaining water and then close.
  2. To remove the tubing from the membrane housing cap, push in and hold down the collet against the quick connect fitting to release tubing. Pull the tubing out.
  3. Remove the cap by turning clockwise. You may find using a wrench will help.
  4. Take out the old membrane, use pliers if necessary.
  5. Clean the membrane housing thoroughly.
  6. Unwrap and insert the new membrane (with the two black o rings first) into the housing until it has sealed tight.
  7. Check that the black rubber o ring is in good condition and in place before screwing the housing cap back on.
  8. Reconnect the membrane by pushing the tubing into the cap fitting. Check for a secure connection by pulling back on the tubing.
  9. The water supply can now be switched back on and the system checked for leaks.
  10. Switch the tank and faucet on if they are part of your system. It is very important to flush the filters for at least 15 minutes.
  11. Storage tanks should be filled completely and emptied at least once.
  12. Discard the first one or two full tanks of water before use. This will flush out the preservative inside the membrane. If the water still has a strange taste or odour after two rounds, keep flushing until the water is suitable for use.
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Which System is right for me?

which system landscape

Do you need a Reverse Osmosis system but unsure which is suitable for your requirements? Keep reading for a few points to consider.

What do you plan to use the water for?
Once you have established what you need the system for this will narrow down your options. Our RO-MAN systems can be used in a variety of applications including commercial and industrial, laboratories, fish-keeping, window cleaning, domestic and household as well as dental.

We have a wealth of experience in the water industry and have created a range of the perfect systems for any requirement. We also manufacture bespoke systems should you have specific requirements. Our bespoke systems will be made to meet your exact needs, should this be water pressure, certain contaminants within your water or height restrictions where the system will be located. More information on bespoke systems can be found here.   

How many stages of filtration should a Reverse Osmosis system should have?
No Reverse Osmosis filter media can remove all types of contaminants on their own and for this reason Reverse Osmosis systems are comprised of different stages. RO-MAN systems start with 3 stages and can have as many as 6 different stages.

Our 3 Stage systems typically contain a sediment filter, a carbon based filter and a reverse osmosis membrane. Our 4 stage systems have an additional filter – granulated active carbon filter or deionisation resin depending on which system you choose. Our drinking water systems have 6 stages which include a specific carbon for taste and odour as well as an enriching re-mineraliser.

How much water can a Reverse Osmosis system produce?
Once you have established what you need a system to do and have chosen a system to suit your needs, it is important to consider how much water you need this to produce. This will help you pick the correct size of system. The majority of systems will have a production rate of 50% to 75% of system size. For example: a customer wanting a system to produce pure drinking water may not need as much water produced as a customer needing pure water for their fish tank.

For fish keeping our most popular system size is 150 GPD and for producing drinking water our most popular systems is 50 GPD. It is important to note that the 50 GPD rating is the speed that an Reverse Osmosis system makes water. This size of system will produce a gallon of water per hour providing enough water for the most households.

Do Reverse Osmosis systems waste water? 
In the Reverse Osmosis process, water is used to wash impurities out of your water. In doing this, water will carry away the impurities and particles that are too small to be caught by the filters. This could be considered waste water. In general, Reverse Osmosis systems use approximately 4 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of clean, pure, filtered water. This waste water is similar to most other household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers.

Do I need a tap?
RO-MAN Drinking Water and Dental systems come complete with a tap and storage tank as standard. Should you require a tap fitted to your system, we can do so as required. Our faucets and taps can be found here.   

What about water hardness? 
If the water flowing into a Reverse Osmosis system has a hardness level above 7 grains per gallon (GPG), the addition of a water softener pre-treatment may be beneficial. Reverse Osmosis systems will not soften water and by adding this pre-treatment it may help preserve the life the system and membrane. However, this is not essential.

Does water pressure matter?
Reverse Osmosis membranes require a minimum of about 40 PSI to operate efficiently and most water supplies meet this minimum requirement. Should you plan to use your Reverse Osmosis system where low water pressure is a problem, using a booster pump is something that you may consider. Even for applications with sufficient water pressure a booster pump can greatly benefit your Reverse Osmosis system. Booster pumps will increase pressure which in turn increases the efficiency of an Reverse Osmosis membrane. Booster pumps are cost effective through increased Reverse Osmosis performance. The result will be much faster production of filtered water and less wastewater.

We have a range of booster pumps to work along with our Reverse Osmosis systems to ensure they are working and producing water efficiently. Our booster pumps can be found here.

Can I install it myself?
Installation is a fairly simple and straight forward process. All systems come with a comprehensive installation guide with schematics and step by step processes. It should take approximately 30 minutes to install. If you are unfamiliar with Reverse Osmosis systems this could take approximately 45-60 minutes. Should you be unable to install this yourself, most plumbers should be able to install the system. Our installation guide can be found here.

Best Selling Systems

As explained previously, RO-Man have a wide range of systems to suit all requirements. Below we have briefly outlined our most popular systems.

Drinking Water System

Our most popular drinking water system is the Drinking Water 6 Stage Purification System. This complete system is a must for any person concerned for their family’s health. This excellent, high quality system produces fresh, pure, clean and great tasting water. More information on this system can be found here.

Fish Keeping

Our most popular system for fish keeping is our 4 Stage Professional Reverse Osmosis System. This system comes complete with sediment, carbon and deionisation resin to ensure your water is ultra pure for your marine life. This system can be found here.

Dental System

We have developed a high quality dental system with the industry in mind. We have created and manufactured an expert system that is suitable for use in both smaller and larger practices. This system will produce an ample supply of pure water for autoclaves, drills and other dental equipment. This system and further information can be found here.   

Window Cleaning

RO-Man have a number of systems and options suitable for window cleaning, both large and smaller scales can use. We have an excellent 4 Stage Professional System that can produce up to 150 GPD as well as an industrial 4040 system that will produce large volumes of water for larger scale companies. The 4 Stage Professional Reverse Osmosis system can be found here. The 4040 Twin membrane Reverse Osmosis system can be found here.


We have created and manufactured a high performing, excellent quality industrial 4040 system. This commercial Reverse Osmosis system is suitable for window cleaners, aquatic applications and much more. This heavy duty system will produce up to 2000 gallons of water per day, removing an average of 97 – 99% of contaminants. This high quality Reverse Osmosis system can be found here.

Here at RO-Man we pride ourselves on expert advice and excellent sales care, both pre and post purchase. Should you have any questions after reading the above pointers or need a little more advice, please contact us. One of our expert team will be happy to talk you through our systems and which would suit your own personal requirements. We can be contact by telephone on 01823 698813, email at or online contact form.

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What is Reverse Osmosis?


Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the most convenient and effective filtration methods available. RO membranes can usually remove between 96 – 99% of most contaminants, including salts, minerals, dyes, particles, bacteria, and hazardous metals.

In reverse osmosis, contaminants are separated from water by forcing it through a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane acts as a physical barrier to almost all molecules with a molecular weight greater than 200 grams/mole. For example, the membrane may allow passage of water molecules but block molecules of dissolved salt. These unwanted molecules are retained by the membrane while the ultra-pure water continues on for use or further treatment. This is the same technology used to make bottled water and is the only technology capable of desalinating sea water to be made into drinking water.

Non-RO water filters are much less effective. They can filter out coarse particles, sediments and elements but anything finer including most dissolved substances cannot be filtered out. This will result in a lower quality of filtered water compared to RO filtration.