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Tap Water vs. Reverse Osmosis Water

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Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate but which is best?

In our increasingly health conscious society we are told on a daily basis of the importance of being well hydrated and drinking enough water. Water makes up almost two thirds of our body and is essential for us to function correctly.  Used by our body for many processes, water aids with transporting nutrients and oxygen around our bodies, controls temperature, aids in the functioning of our digestive system, removes waste products, lubricates our joints as well as keeping our skin healthy. Simply put, we need water to survive and thrive.

In the UK we are fortunate to have drinking water suitable for consumption straight from our taps at home. But what exactly is in our tap water and is this purified as well as it should be? Is our tap water free from all chemicals and the best type of water for us and our family? Or should we be using a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system for our drinking water? What is the difference between tap water and Reverse Osmosis water? Is this difference enough to warrant an at home Domestic Reverse Osmosis System? In this blog post we aim to outline the main differences between tap water and Reverse Osmosis water, the benefits and drawbacks to both allowing the consumer to decide whether a Reverse Osmosis system would be beneficial to them.

What is in our Tap Water?

The UK government has strict standards and laws in place to ensure that drinking water within our homes is safe and of suitable quality. These standards cover micro organisms, chemicals such as nitrate and pesticides, metals such as lead and copper and as well the taste of the water and the appearance of the water.

While the mineral content found in tap water is variable, depending on the where your water is sourced from, in general terms the following nutrients are found in our drinking water.

Our water is delivered to our homes through collection, processing and treatment at specialist facilities before being transported through a network of pipes and pumping stations. The collected rainwater is pushed through screens and filters to remove debris and tiny particles before chlorine is added to the water ensuring that any remaining particles, organisms and bacteria is killed before human consumption. In the UK, we benefit from this process ensuring our water is clean and made readily available to us in our homes.

To summarise, by law we are guaranteed clean, safe drinking water but additional minerals are found in our tap water. What then does the reverse osmosis process do and which water is best for us to consume?

What is in Reverse Osmosis Water?

Reverse Osmosis water is the produced water from a Reverse Osmosis system. Reverse Osmosis is the finest filtration for water producing the purest form of water possible. These systems will filter out 98% of unwanted molecules such as fluoride, lead, chlorine, chloramines, pesticides and many more. Once this process of filtration has taken place the produced water will be expertly clean, safe for drinking and storage for future use also. With regular maintenance, filter and membrane changes a Reverse Osmosis system will provide pure water for the life span of the system.

While we are fortunate enough in the UK to have safe drinking water pumped to our homes, some areas may still have potential issues and concerns over the use of pesticides or herbicides. In areas where the quality of water may be uncertain Reverse Osmosis water is an excellent option for removing trace minerals. For people with serious allergies, illnesses and health concerns using Reverse Osmosis to ensure the safety of water can be of high importance. This will produce very high quality water removing just about every contaminant possible giving reassurance to those who may require it.

Now, we know what is in our tap water and what the Reverse Osmosis process does, which is best for our health and our families to consume?

Potential Concerns with Tap water

Our drinking water is pumped to our homes using pipes and networks laid in the early to mid 20th century. Having a lifespan of 75 – 100 years these pipes would need significant investment to ensure that the pipes are still fit for purpose or replacement in order to protect health and the environment. In addition to this, research conducted in 2017 by Orb Media found that 83% of water samples collected across 159 taps in fourteen different countries on five continents was contaminated with microscopic plastic fibres.

In 2009 it was estimated that approximately 25% of domestic households in the EU have lead pipe either as a connection to the water mains or as an integral part of the household plumbing. While lead is no longer found in paints, petrol or food containers, if your water is travelling through lead pipes small amounts can build up over time which could cause serious health problems.

As explained in the article earlier chlorine is added to water at the end of the treatment process to kill off any remaining bacteria. However, recent reports have indicated that there may be an increased risk of bladder and colorectal cancers from long term consumption of water contaminated with chlorine.

Given that we are told that tap water in the UK is safe to drink these potential contaminants may cause some concern but is reverse osmosis the better option or are there any potential causes for concern with it also?

Potential Concerns with Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse Osmosis systems produce the purest water possible by removing all molecules and contaminants within the water. However, the system has no way of differentiating between good and bad molecules. So while a RO system is excellent for removing all harmful contaminants, it will also remove all nutrients and minerals that are needed and beneficial to our bodies.  In an ideal world this wouldn’t be an issue as we would get all the nutrients that we need from our food but unfortunately that is not the case. In addition to this when cooking with demineralised water, such as RO water it may reduce the amounts of vitamins and minerals found in whole foods. So if are some individuals are already vitamin deficient and also using a reverse osmosis system, by extracting the remaining minerals in our water could lead to vitamin deficiencies.

In addition to this, the process of purifying the water Reverse Osmosis systems will also produce some waste water. There is a cost implication to consider with a Reverse Osmosis system. The purchase of a system which must be followed up with regular maintenance and filter changes. If the filters are not changed regularly this can unintentionally make the tap water worse over time, hence the need for regular and carefully maintenance.

RO-Man Drinking Water Systems

At RO-Man we have created and manufacture a range of Reverse Osmosis and Water Purification Systems that are designed to purify water for drinking. All our systems are expertly manufactured using high quality components and filters, using water safe parts.

Drinking Water 6 Stage Purification System

Our Drinking Water 6 Stage Purification System is a complete filtration system designed to produce pure water that can be used for drinking, preparing and cooking food as well as any other household tasks. This Reverse Osmosis system has 6 stages of filtration to ensure your water is expertly clean, pure and tastes great.  This system will remove and reduce chlorine, pesticides, lead, oestrogen, fluoride and many other contaminants. More information on this drinking water system as well as specification details can be found here.

Fresh 3 Stage System

Our Fresh 3 Stage System has been specially designed to produce high quality, pure water without altering the overall dissolved mineral or pH of the water. This Water Purification System is ideal for drinking water and should fit underneath most kitchen sinks. This system has 3 stages of filtration and will reduce and remove chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, earth metals as well as any other volatile organic compounds. More information on this drinking water system as well as specification details can be found here.

Whole House Filtration System

Our Whole House Filtration System is a complete water filtration system for the home. This system is installed at the water entry point to the house and will allow this system to begin treating water as soon as it enters the home’s plumbing system. This system has 3 stages of filtration and will remove chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and earth metals as well as other volatile organic compounds for the water. This system can treat up to 380,000 litres of water. More information on this whole house system can be found here.


Water is essential for our health in any form be it tap water or Reverse Osmosis water. To sustain a healthy body it is important that we drink sufficient water per day for our bodies to function at their optimum level. In the UK we are fortunate to have good quality, safe drinking water readily available pumped to our homes. However, with the addition of Reverse Osmosis our drinking water can be made even more pure by removing all traces of harmful contaminants. Our society is becoming ever more health conscious and with the risk of lead, chlorine and other contaminants in our tap water, Reverse Osmosis would be an excellent choice for ensuring the water we consume is the best for our health and bodies.

Ultimately, the choice between tap water and Reverse Osmosis water is a personal choice for each individual and family. RO-MAN is always available for any advice on water quality and the benefits of Reverse Osmosis systems. We have a range of systems designed to suit every need, from small to industrial systems. Should you be interested in any more information please feel free to contact us for some further advice on our products.

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